Bylaws of Summerland Minor Hockey Association
Schedule B
Bylaws of the Summerland Minor Hockey Association
(March 2015)
This section includes information pertaining to:
Part 1 Interpretation |
Part 2 |
Part 3 Meetings |
Part 4 Proceedings at General Meeting |
Part 5 Voting |
Part 6 Executive Officers and Appointed Positions |
Part 7 Powers and Responsibilities of Executive Officers |
Part 8 Specific Duties of Executive Officers |
Part 9 Committees-Duties and Powers |
Part 10 Appeals |
Part 11 Regulations/Harassment and Sexual Abuse Policies |
Part 12 Borrowing |
Part 13 Notice to Members |
Part 14 Bylaws |
Part 1-Interpretation
1(1) In these bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “adult” means any person 19 years of age or older;
- “Annual General Meeting” means the Annual General Meeting of the Association that is held annually within 30 days of the fiscal year end[1] ;
- “Association” means the Summerland Minor Hockey Association;
- “BCAHA” means the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association and includes their business name BC Hockey;
- “CHA” means the Canadian Hockey Association and includes their business name Hockey Canada;
- “chair” means an Executive Officer or other member of the Association who presides over any meeting of the Association;
- “committee” means a standing committee as outlined in Part 9, Section 9(1) of these bylaws, an appeal committee as outlined in Part 10, Section 10(1) of these bylaws; and includes any committee prescribed by regulations of the Association;
- “directors” means the Executive Officers of the Association as defined in Part 6, Section 6(1) of these bylaws;
- “direct conflict of interest” means an Executive officer who has a child or immediate family member, or is a team official, that may be directly impacted by a decision made by a committee or stands to gain financially from a decision made by a committee of the Association;
- “elected term” means the commencement date in which an Executive Officer was elected to their present position within the Association at the Annual General Meeting. The anniversary of the Annual General Meeting the year following the commencement date shall be counted as a one (1) year term;
- “Executive Meeting” means regular meetings of the Executive Officers or Extraordinary Executive Meetings of the Executive Officers as called by the President of the Association.
- “Executive Officers” are the directors of the Association as defined in Part 6, Section 6(1) of these bylaws.
- “Extraordinary Executive Meeting” means a meeting of the Executive at the request of five (5) Executive Officers as defined in Part 3, section 3(6) of these bylaws;
- “Extraordinary General Meeting” means any General Meeting of the Association, but does not include the Annual General Meeting;
- “filing” means the storing of records by the President on behalf of the Association;
- “Financial Agreement” means an agreement between a member and the Association which outlines terms and deadlines for monies owed to the Association;
- “General Meeting” means the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association;
- “Life Member” means a Life Member as defined in Part 2, Section 2(7) of these bylaws;
- “member” means a member of the Association as defined in Part 2 of these bylaws;
- “mutually aided” means registered and insured through the BCAHA and the CHA;
- “not of good standing” means a member not of good standing as defined in Part 2, Section 2(5) and 2(6) of these bylaws;
- “on-ice official(s)”means a referee or linesmen;
- “off-ice official(s)” means score keeper, time keeper, penalty keeper, goal judge or any other individual tasked with official off-ice functions;
- “OMAHA” means the Okanagan Mainline Amateur Hockey Association;
- “player” means a player registered with the Association;
- “policy” means regulations of the Association for the purposes of these bylaws;
- “President” means the Chief Executive Officer of the Association;
- “regulations” means regulations as defined in Part 11 of these bylaws;
- “received in writing” means written correspondence hand delivered, received via e-mail or received via regular postal service addressed to the President of the Association or the Association;
- “Registrar” for the purposes of these bylaws and the regulations means Registrar of the Association;
- "Society Act" means the Society Act (RSBC 1996) from time to time in force and all amendments to it;
- “Summerland Minor Hockey Association” for the purposes of the constitution and bylaws has the same meaning as “society” in the Society Act and shall be known and hereinafter referred to as the Association in these bylaws and regulations; and
- “team official” means any coach, assistant coach, safety person or manager.
1(2) The definitions in the Society Act (RSBC 1996) on the date these bylaws become effective apply to these bylaws, unless otherwise defined in these bylaws for the purposes of these bylaws.
1(3) Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa, and words importing a male person include a female person and a corporation.
Part 2-Membership
2(1) A person who is defined as a member in Part 2 Section 2(2) shall subsequently join the membership of the Association, in accordance with the constitution, bylaws and regulations. Membership within the Association shall only cease as defined in Part 2, Section 2(6) of these bylaws. Members may be required to register with the Registrar of the Association and/or the OMAHA and/or the BCAHA as required.
2(2) A member of the Association shall be defined as follows:
- an adult parent or adult guardian of a mutually aided player or mutually aided on-ice-official;
- a mutually aided adult on-ice-official;
- a mutually aided adult team official;
- an adult Executive Officer of the Association;
- an adult Life Member of the Association;
- an adult person who has paid a $1.00 membership fee to the Registrar and has been approved as a member of the Association by the Executive Officers; or
- a mutually aided player, on-ice-official or team official who is not an adult.
2(3) The membership year for the Association shall commence on May 1st and shall end on April 30th the following year.
2(4) Every member of the Association must uphold the constitution, bylaws and regulations of the Association. Any violation of the constitution, bylaws and regulations of the Association, or failure to follow the direction of the Executive Officers of the Association, by any member of the Association shall render such member liable to suspension and/or disciplinary action and/or expulsion from the Association as the case may be.
2(5) All members are in good standing unless they are deemed to be a member not of good standing or membership ceases as defined in Part 2, Section 2(6).
2(6) Membership within the Association shall cease where:
- the member delivers resignation, received in writing, to the President or the registered address of the Association;
- on the death of the member;
- the member no longer falls within the criteria defined in Part 2 section 2(2) of these bylaws;
- the member is suspended, disciplined or expelled for violation of the Association’s constitution, bylaws, regulations or failure to follow the direction of the Executive Officers of the Association;
- where a member is suspended, disciplined or expelled the member shall be deemed to be a member not of good standing and forfeits all rights and privileges within the Association, until such time the suspended, disciplined or expelled member is re-instated as a member of good standing. A member under suspension is not in good standing until the period of suspension, discipline or expulsion has been served in full by the effected member;
- a member may be expelled by special resolution of the Association’s membership passed at a General Meeting;
- a notice of special resolution for expulsion shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reason or reasons for the proposed expulsion. A member who is the subject of the proposed special resolution shall be given an opportunity to be heard at a General Meeting;
- a member who has failed to pay registration, try-out fees, carding fees or team fees or any other monies owing to the Association on the date due shall be deemed not to be a member of good standing;
- a member not of good standing shall forfeit all rights and privileges within the Association, until such time as all monies are paid in full, or
- in lieu of immediate payment to the Association, the member enters into an financial agreement with the Association and complies with the terms of the financial agreement until all monies are paid in full to the Association. A member who fails to comply with the terms of a financial agreement with the Association shall be deemed to be a member not of good standing and shall forfeit all rights and privileges within the Association, until such time as all monies are paid in full;
- a member has not been in good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months.
2(7) Life Membership is the highest honour that can be bestowed by the Association and is awarded for distinctive service to the Association. Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by a 75% majority of the members voting thereon. A Life Member shall have full voting rights at any General Meeting of the Association.
2(8) A complete list of Life Members shall be kept and maintained by the Registrar.
Part 3-Meetings
3(1) Every General Meetings shall be held at a time and place, in accordance with the Society Act, as decided by the Executive Officers of the Association.
3(2) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within 30 days of the fiscal year end[2].
3(3) Notice of a General Meeting, special resolution or new business to be discussed at a General Meeting of the Association, shall be posted at the Summerland Arena and the Association web site 14 clear days prior to the date of the General Meeting. Notice shall be given in writing and shall state the place, day and hour of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be brought before the meeting. The accidental omission of information, accidental failure to give notice within 14 clear days, or due to circumstances beyond the control of the Association that may result in members not receiving notice that are entitled to receive notice does not invalidate proceedings at that meeting.
3(4) The President shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association, at any time, to address issues deemed by a majority vote of the Executive Officers to be of importance to the welfare of the Association, subject to Part 3, Section 3(3). The President of the Association, on the requisition of 10% or more of the voting members of the Association must convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association without delay. For the purposes of this bylaw "without delay" means a minimum of 14 clear days to notify the membership as outlined in Part 3, Section 3(3).
3(5) Any member wishing to bring new business before a General Meeting must provide notice of the new business to be discussed to the President of the Association. Any notice of new business shall be received in writing 21 clear days prior to the date of the General Meeting. Such notification is necessary to advise the membership as outlined in Part 3, Section 3(3) of these bylaws.
3(6) The President shall call regular meetings of the Executive Officers throughout the year. All meetings of the Executive Officers shall be at the call of the President, except as outlined in Part 3, Section 3(7). Any member of the Association may attend an Executive Meeting providing written notification stating the business to be discussed by the member is received in writing, by the President, seven (7) clear days prior to the date of the Executive Meeting. The President shall ensure such members receive and are allocated appropriate time to state their business before the Executive Officers. No other business, other than the business stated, shall be attended or discussed by the member at the Executive Meeting. A member of the Association shall not attend an Extraordinary Executive Meeting, unless they are the subject of the Extraordinary Executive Meeting; the final decision of which shall rest with the President. The President may invite any member or other person to attend an Executive Meeting and speak before the Executive Officers of the Association.
3(7) At the request of five (5) Executive Officers, the President shall call an Extraordinary Executive Meeting. No subject shall be discussed or considered at any Extraordinary Executive Meeting of the Executive Officers except that specified in the notice to the Executive Officers attending the Extraordinary Executive Meeting.
Part 4-Proceedings at General Meeting
4(1) The order of business at General Meeting of the Association shall be:
- Calling of the meeting to order;
- President’s address and introduction of Executive Officers;
- Review of the minutes of the last General Meeting;
- “Adoption of minutes” from the last General Meeting;
- Reading of correspondence and notices;
- Presentation of reports of Executive Officers;
- Presentation and adoption of the financial statement;
- Reports of special committees;
- Special resolutions;
- Old business;
- Notice of new business;
- Election of Executive Officers shall be in the following order:
- President;
- Vice President;
- Secretary;
- Registrar;
- Ice Manager;
- Tournament Coordinator;
- Risk Manager/Team First;
- Senior Director;
- Junior Director;
- Member at Large (1 position)
- Motion to destroy election ballots; and
- Adjournment of the meeting.
4(2) No General Meeting shall precede without a quorum. At any time during a General Meeting there ceases to be a quorum present, business then in progress must be suspended until there is a quorum present or until the General Meeting is adjourned or terminated by the chair. A quorum shall be a minimum of 3 members present or a greater number that the members may determine at a General Meeting.
4(3) If within 30 minutes from the time appointed for the General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened on the requisition of members, must be terminated. A General Meeting convened for any other reason, must stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place or as reasonably practical, and if, at the adjourned General Meeting, a quorum is not present within 30 minutes from the time appointed for the meeting, the members present constitute a quorum..
4(4) No business, other than the election of a chair and the adjournment or termination of a General Meeting may be conducted when a quorum is not present.
4(5) The President of the Association, Vice-President or, in the absence of both, one of the Executive Officers present must preside as chair of a General Meeting. If at a General Meeting:
- There is no President, Vice President or other Executive Officer present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for holding the General Meeting, or
- The President and all the other Executive Officers present are unwilling to act as the chair, the members present must choose one of their number to be chair.
4(6) A General Meeting may be adjourned from time to time and from place to place, but business must not be conducted at an adjourned General Meeting other than the business left unfinished at the General Meeting from which the adjournment took place. When a General Meeting is adjourned for 10 days or more, notice of the adjourned General Meeting must be given as in the case of the original General Meeting. Except as provided by bylaw, it is not necessary to give notice of an adjournment or of the business to be conducted at the adjourned General Meeting.
4(7) An Executive Officer, at the end of their elected term, must retire from office at the Annual General Meeting upon the election of their successor.
4(8) All General Meetings of the Association shall be conducted in a civil and orderly manner. Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised are the Official Rules of Order covering all meetings of the Association, except where they are inconsistent with the constitution, bylaws or regulations of the Association, in which case the constitution, bylaws or regulations of the Association shall prevail.
4(9) The Secretary or designate of the Association shall keep accurate minutes of all proceeding of the Association. The Secretary or committee chair as the case maybe, shall maintain custody of the minutes and provide the minutes to the President for filing. The minutes shall be kept by the President for seven (7) years.
PART 5-Voting
5(1) There shall be no proxy votes at any meeting within the Association.
5(2) Association members who are of good standing are deemed to be voting members for the purposes of a General Meeting providing they meet one of the following criteria:
- An adult parent or adult guardian of a mutually aided player or on-ice-official;
- A mutually aided adult on-ice-official;
- A mutually aided adult team official;
- An adult Executive Officer of the Association;
- An adult Life Member of the Association; or
- An adult person who has paid a $1.00 membership fee to the Registrar and has been approved as a member of the Association by the Executive Officers.
5(3) A non voting member shall be a member who is:
- A mutually aided player, on-ice-official or team official who is not an adult.
5(4) No member who is eligible to vote, shall vote more than once on any individual matter of business, in which a vote of the Association membership is required at a General Meeting.
5(5) Voting at General Meetings will be by a show of hands, with the exception of the election of Executive Officers or any other matter deemed appropriate by the members of the Association.
5(6) Separate elections must be held for the office of each Executive Officer within the Association at the Annual General Meeting.
5(7) An election may be by acclamation if no nominations are received from the floor at a Annual General Meeting, otherwise it shall be by secret ballot.
5(8) The election of Executive Officers to elected positions of the Association shall be done by secret ballot. Three (3) members of the Association shall be chosen by the chair to act as a scrutineer. The scrutineers shall over see the secret ballot process to ensure it is conducted fairly and consistently. The scrutineers shall count the secret ballots and report their findings to the chair. No secret ballots shall be destroyed, until a motion is tabled and passed by the membership of the Association to destroy the secret ballots.
5(9) Members of the Association may by special resolution, at a General Meeting, remove an Executive Officer, before the expiration of their term of office, and may elect a successor to complete the term of office.
5(10) A special resolution shall require not less than 75% of the majority of the vote at a General Meeting in order to be adopted by the Association.
5(11) The President of the Association shall only vote at a General Meeting in the event of a tie vote.
5(12) Any member in good standing may attend a General Meeting or an Executive Meeting of the Association, subject to Part 3, section 3(5) of these bylaws.
5(13) Any member attending a General Meeting of the Association has the right to nominate any adult member in attendance, or nominate any adult member who has provided a written proxy of intent to run for an elected position within the Association.
5(14) A nomination shall not be accepted for the position of President, unless the member nominated has served as an Executive Officer in the past two years and the nominated member has served and completed at least a one (1) year term as an Executive Officer within the Association.
5(15) All elected and appointed Executive Officers to hold office within the Association must undertake a criminal record background check as prescribed by the regulations of the Association. Executive Officers who do not successfully complete a criminal background check or are deemed unsuitable as Executive Officers as a result of a criminal background check shall automatically forfeit their position within the Association. Such matters will be dealt with through the disciplinary committee. An effected Executive Officer shall have the right of appeal to the appeal committee of the Association.
Part 6-Executive Officers and Appointed Positions
6(1) Pursuant to the Society Act the directors of the Association shall be known and hereinafter referred to as the Executive Officers of the Association. The Executive Officers of the Association shall consist of the: President, Vice- President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Referee-in- Chief, Head Coach, Ice Manager, Tournament Director, Risk Manager/Team
First, Senior Director, Junior Director, and the Member at Large (1 positions).
6(2) The elected positions of the Executive Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Registrar, Senior Director, Junior Director, Ice Manager,Tournament Director, Risk Manager/Team First,and the Members at Large ( one positions). The elected term of the Executive Officers positions shall be for a one (1) year term, except for that of the President and Registrar. The Elected Term of the President and Registrar shall be for a two (2) year term.
6 (3) The position of Immediate Past President shall be automatic upon the election of a new President of the Association at the Annual General Meeting. The Immediate Past President may hold this position, until such time the presiding President of the Association is replaced.
6(4) The Positions of Referee-in Chief, Assistant Referee-in-Chief, Head Coach, Fund Raising Coordinator, Equipment Manager, Goalie Coach and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Officers.
6(5) The appointed positions of Referee-in Chief, Assistant Referee-in-Chief, Head Coach, and Treasurer shall be for a two (2) year term. The appointed positions of Fund Raising Coordinator, Equipment Manager, Goalie Coach shall be for a one (1) year term. The Positions of Referee-in Chief and Assistant Referee-in Chief shall be offsetting terms whenever possible.
6(6) The President of the Association shall request any Executive Officer, with the exception of the Immediate Past President; who is absent from two (2) consecutive Executive Meetings to resign their position. This section shall not apply, if in the opinion of the President, in consultation with the discipline committee, extenuating circumstances exist.
Part 7-Powers and Responsibilities of Executive Officers
7(1) The Executive Officers may exercise all the powers and do all the acts and things that the Association may exercise and do, and that are not by these bylaws or by statute or otherwise lawfully directed or required to be exercised or done by the society in a General Meeting, but subject, nevertheless, to:
- All laws effecting the Association;
- The constitution, bylaws, regulations of the Association; and
- Rules, not being inconsistent with these bylaws, that are made from time to time by the Association in a General Meeting.
7(2) A rule, made by the Association in a General Meeting, does not invalidate a prior act of the Executive Officers that would have been valid if that rule had not been made.
7(3) The Executive Officers of the Association shall have the power to, and shall if practical, appoint a member as an Executive Officer to fill a vacancy which may occur within its numbers. An Executive Officer so appointed shall hold office until the conclusion of elections at the next Annual General Meeting, but is eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
7(4) The Executive Officers of the Association may amend, alter or delete the regulations of the Association, provide direction to members of the Association, amend or alter the rules of any House League or Championship Competition providing the amendments are consistent with OMAHA, BCAHA and CHA Rules and Regulations.
7(5) The President of the Association shall have the power to suspend, discipline or expel [expelled subject to Part 2, section 2(6)(e) of these bylaws] any team official, player, on-ice official, off-ice-official, parent, guardian, Executive Officer or any other member of the Association. A mutually aided player or on- ice official who is the ward of a parent or guardian; deemed not to be in good standing by the Association may also be subject to suspension, discipline or expulsion by the Association. Any suspension, disciplinary action or expulsion must be consistent with the constitution, bylaws and the regulations of the Association.
7(6) All matters of business, clauses in the constitution, bylaws or regulations may be clarified and defined at any time by a majority vote of a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Officers. A quorum shall consist of majority of all the Executive Officers (more than 50%).
7(7) The number of Executive Officers within the Association must be a minimum of five (5) or a greater number determined from time to time at a General Meeting. An act or proceeding of the Executive Officers is not invalid merely because there are less than the numbers of Executive Officers as required by these bylaws.
7(8) The Executive Officers of the Association shall attend regular Executive Meetings throughout the year at the call of the President. The Executive Officers may meet at any place they see fit to conduct business, adjourn and otherwise regulate the meetings and proceedings of the Association.
7(9) The President shall chair all meetings of the Executive Officers of the Association, but if at an Executive Meeting the President is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Vice-President shall act as chair, but if neither is present the Executive Officers may choose one of their number to act as chair at the Executive Meeting.
7(10) Only the Executive Officers shall have the right to vote at an Executive Meeting of the Association.
7(11) The President of the Association shall only vote at an Executive Meeting in the event of a tie vote.
7(12) The President may submit a notice of motion to the Executive Officers via electronic correspondence providing the nature of the business is deemed to be of an urgent nature and cannot wait until the next regular meeting of the Executive Officers. An Executive Officer shall table the notice of motion via the President, which in turn shall be seconded by a separate Executive Officer. Upon the notice of motion being seconded by an Executive Officer; the President shall provide a discussion period; upon the completion of the discussion period the motion shall be put to the Executive Officers. A quorum shall be required to pass the motion. This bylaw in no way negates the authority of the President to act on behalf of the Association in the event of an emergency.
Part 8-Specific Duties of Executive Officers[3]
Voting Members
8(1) President (Elected 2 Year Term) - The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and oversees the other Executive Officers in the performance of their duties. Within the jurisdiction of the Association, the President shall have all the powers of the President of the Branch, including the powers to:
- act as a signing officer for the Association;
- chair all meetings;
- exercise the powers of the Executive Officers in case of emergency;
- suspend, discipline or expel a team official, player, on-ice official, off-ice-official, parent, guardian, Executive Officer or member of the Association subject to the constitution, bylaws and regulations of the Association. The President shall be the only Executive Officer with the power to issue suspensions, disciplinary actions, expel members and make a determination as to whether a member is not of good standing within the Association;
- notify the Executive Officers of the time and place of meetings;
- handle all liability claims to ensure they are properly processed and resolved;
- ensure the Association web site is maintained and up to date; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(2) Vice-President (Elected 1 Year Term) - In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall have and exercise all the obligations, duties and powers of the President. Duties specific to the position of Vice-President are as follows:
- arrange for team sponsorship and collect sponsorship fees;
- act as a signing officer for the Association;
- approve all fundraising activities and BCAHA Sanctions;
- investigate and oversee any discipline related issues and report findings to the President;
- Association representative to Super League; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(3) Immediate Past President (Honorary Position) - The Immediate Past President may:
- remain an active Executive Member;
- chair the appeal committee; and
- provide guidance and assistance to the Association as required.
8(4) Secretary (Elected 1 Year Term) - The Secretary or designate shall:
- keep accurate minutes of all General Meetings and Executive Meetings of the Association;
- for all intents and purposes the legal holder of all trophies and cups in trust of the Association; and
- publish notice of any General Meeting, special resolution or notice of new business to be discussed at a General Meeting at least 14 clear days prior to the General Meeting.
8(5) Treasurer (Appointed 2 Year Term) - The Treasurer shall:
- keep financial records, including books of account, necessary to comply with the Society Act;
- render financial statements to the Executive Officers, members and others when required;
- handle all monies received and disbursed;
- collect and enforce all team financial obligations;
- present a financial statement of the years operations at the Annual General Meeting; and
- act as a signing officer for the Association.
8(6) Registrar ( Elected 2 Year Term) - The Registrar shall:
- receive registration forms and fees, and maintain a register of all players, team officials, officials and Executive Officers of the Association;
- provide registration information to the OMAHA and BCAHA as required;
- handle all liability claims to ensure they are properly processed and settled;
- attend meetings regarding registration procedures;
- coordinate all aspects of Rep. Team Carding;
- cooperate with Treasurer on monies owing and refunds due; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(7) Referee-in-Chief (Appointed 2 Year Term) - The Referee-in Chief shall:
- appoint on-ice-officials for all league, exhibition and tournament games;
- through the aid of clinics, train and supply sufficient on-ice-officials to satisfy the needs of the Association;
- coordinate evaluations of on-ice-officials as required by the BCAHA;
- ensure that correct payment is made to all on-ice-officials;
- assist off-ice-officials in the performance of their duties;
- appoint out of town on-ice-officials, as required, when such appointment is considered to be in the best interests of the Association; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(8) Head Coach (Appointed 2 Year Term) - The Head Coach shall:
- oversee and work with the Senior and Junior Directors to ensure the selection of coaches for all divisions; promote and direct the training and development of all coaches in the Association;
- organize coaching clinics and/ensure coaches attend clinics and other training as appropriate;
- be available to provide guidance and assistance to all coaches as required;
- coordinate and supervise the selection of players for all Rep. Teams, work closely with the Junior Director in the selection of the Atom Development Team; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(9) Senior Director (Elected 1 Year Term) - The Senior Director shall:
- work closely with appropriate divisional director;
- coordinate the delivery of the program, monitor results and recommend changes as necessary;
- assist the Head Coach with the selection of coaches and, assist with selection of team managers if needed, for all divisions U13 and older;
- work closely with the Head Coach to coordinate the evaluation and selection of players for the Representative program;
- work closely with and guide Team Managers in the performance of their duties;
- bring forward concerns or suggestions from the Team Managers for consideration by the Executive Officers;
- coordinate parent orientation meetings to acquaint parents with the objectives of the program; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(10) Junior Director (Elected 1 Year Term) - The Junior Director shall:
- work closely with appropriate divisional director;
- coordinate the delivery of the program, monitor results and recommend changes as necessary;
- assist the Head Coach with the selection of coaches and, assist with selection of team managers if needed, for all divisions U11 and younger, including U11 Development;
- work closely with the Head Coach to coordinate the evaluation and selection of players for the U7/U9 program, as well as the U11 Development team;
- coordinate parent orientation meetings to acquaint parents with the objectives of the program; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(11) Ice Manager (Elected 1 Year Term) - The Ice Manager shall be:
- responsible for obtaining and allocating ice time;
- approve any rescheduling, exchange or cancellation of ice time;
- have the final approval of ice usage by teams within the Association, regardless of the purpose or means of payment;
- represent the interests of the Association regarding ice-time allocation to the Summerland Recreation Department;
- attend game scheduling meetings as required; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(12) Risk Manager/Team First (Elected 1 Year Term) - The Risk Manager/Team First shall:
- promote effective risk management within the Association;
- create and maintain a risk management file for the Association, which contains information circulated by the CHA, BCAHA and other agencies;
- work with the Executive Officers in order to identify risks and recommend actions to reduce those risks;
- promote the CHA Safety Program and provide ongoing support for this program for the education of the Association members;
- distribute and control first aid kits supplied to the teams by the Association;
- work with the Executive Officers, team officials, on-ice-officials, off-ice-officials, players, parents and Association members to implement the BCAHA Team First Program;
- provide input and recommendations to the Executive Officers;
- oversee implementation of yearly baseline testing; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(13) Tournament Director (Elected 1 Year Term) - The Tournament Director shall:
- handle applications and payments for all tournaments and tournament sanctions;
- ensure a list of tournaments for the upcoming year is posted on the Association web site;
- provide a list of suitable out-of-town tournaments to the Team Managers;
- work with the Team Managers to assist in organization;
- be available to attend parent meetings regarding upcoming tournament organization;
- attend each tournament whenever possible in order to provide feedback;
- work with the Executive Officers to set tournament dates and pricing; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(14) Member at Large - 1 position (Elected 1 year Term) - The Member at Large shall:
- assist when and where requested by the Executive Officers and provide input to help implement the objectives and regulations of the Association;
- i.e. Maintain SMHA Webpage, facilitate Baseline Testing
- provide input and recommendations to the Executive Officers; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting as applicable.
8(15) Division Directors (to be drawn from voting Executive Members) - The Division Directors shall:
- be selected from current voting executive members;
- not have any personal interest in that division;
- be liaison between all members of that division eg parents, coaches, managers;
- handle all complaints into and out of that division; and
- handle OMAHA concerns with regards to that division.
Non-voting Members
8(16) Fund Raising Coordinator (Appointed 1 Year Term) - The Fund Raising Coordinator shall:
- work with the Executive Officers, team officials, on-ice-officials, off-ice-officials, players, parents and Association members to organize and implement fund raising activities of the Association;
- bring forward concerns or suggestions from the Association members for consideration by the Executive Officers;
- ensure all gaming procedures are adhered to on behalf of the Association; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(17) Assistant Referee-in-Chief (Appointed 2 Year Term) - The Assistant Referee- in-Chief shall:
- work with the Referee-in-Chief in order to assist with the responsibilities of the position; and
- assume the duties and responsibilities of the Referee-in-Chief in his absence.
8(18) Equipment Manager (Appointed 1 Year Term) - The Equipment Manager shall:
- purchase equipment upon approval from the Executive Officers;
- arrange for the handling, storage, repairing, cleaning and inventory of equipment; and
- present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
8(19) Goalie Coach (Appointed 1 year term) - The Goalie Coach shall:
- have goaltending experience;
- work with the head coach to improve the quality of goaltending instruction and experience for all goalies in SMHA;
- work with the equipment manager to ensure all SMHA goalie equipment is safe and appropriate for all goalies using it;
- work with team coaches to provide guidance and resources for working with the goalies on their teams;
- create a systemized training program for all levels of goalies to improve their skills in a consistent and effective manner; and
- work with potential peer leaders to allow them to develop their leadership and coaching skills through assisting in the skill development of their peers.
Part 9-Committees-Duties and Powers
9(1) The standing committees of the Association shall be:
- discipline committee;
- coach selection committee; and
- player selection review committee.
An Executive Officer appointed to a committee of the Association with a direct conflict of interest shall step down from the committee and an alternate may be
appointed by the chair of the committee. The final decision on any direct conflict of interest will rest with the President. The standing committees of the Association shall
be established as soon as practical after the Annual General Meeting.
Discipline Committee
9(2) The discipline committee shall consist of:
- The Vice President (who shall act as committee chair) or designate appointed by Vice President or in lieu the President;
- Head Coach or Junior Director an Executive Officer designated by the Head Coach or Junior Director as the case may be; and
- three (3) to five (5) other Executive Officers.
The discipline committee shall have the power to investigate and hear all matters pertaining to discipline. The discipline committee shall follow the discipline procedure prescribed by the regulations of the Association and shall consult with and make recommendations to the President.
Coach Selection Committee
9(3) The coach selection committee shall consist of:
- the Head Coach (who shall act as committee chair) or designate appointed by the Head Coach or in lieu the President; and
- At least three (3) additional Executive Officers selected by the Head Coach or designate, in consultation with the President, shall be appointed to the committee.
The coach selection committee shall use the coach selection process as prescribed by the regulations of the Association. The Head Coach or designate shall then make recommendations to the President, for subsequent ratification by the Executive Officers.
Player Selection Review Committee
9(4) The player selection review committee shall consist of:
- the Head Coach (who shall act as committee chair) or a designate appointed by the Head Coach or in lieu the President; and
- At least three (3) additional Executive Officers selected by the Head Coach or designate, in consultation with the President, shall be appointed to the committee.
The player selection review committee shall investigate and hear complaints in regards to player selection within the Association. The player selection review committee shall follow the player selection procedure prescribed by the regulations of the Association and shall consult with and make recommendations to the President.
Part 10- Appeals
Appeal Committee
10(1) The appeal committee shall consist of:
- the remainder of the Executive Officers of the Association, not appointed to the standing committee responsible for the decision under appeal;
- the Immediate Past President shall chair the appeal committee or designate appointed by the Immediate Past President or in lieu the President and
- any appeal committee Executive Officer with a direct conflict of interest shall step down from the committee;
- The final decision on any direct conflict of interest in regards to the appeal committee shall rest with the chair of the appeal committee, in consultation with the President.
10(2) Decisions made by the President of the Association pertaining to the suspension or discipline of a member, coach selection, player selection or a determination of a member being not of good standing may be appealed to the appeal committee.
10(3) Decisions made by the appeal committee pertaining to the suspension or discipline of a member, coach selection, player selection or a determination of a member being not of good standing shall not be subject to further appeal within the Association.
10(4) The expulsion of a member by way of special resolution at a General Meeting shall not be subject to further appeal within the Association.
10(5) An appeal must be received in writing within seven (7) clear days of the notification of the suspension, disciplinary action or decision. An appeal hearing shall be scheduled within seven (7) clear days of the notification of the appeal being received in writing by the President.
10(6) All scheduled appeals shall be heard by the appeal committee within fourteen (14) clear days of the day of written notification, unless a mutual agreement is reached by both parties to extend the time. If the appellant member has requested a personal appearance, the appeal shall be dealt with within forty five (45) clear days of written notification.
10(7) The appeal committee shall only review a decision or hear an appeal under one of the following conditions:
- new evidence not used in the original hearing can be presented which may have an effect on the decision of the appeal committee;
- an appeal may be filed on the grounds of irregularities in the proceeding followed at the original hearing that may have caused an unjust decision;
- an appeal may be filed on the grounds that the decision of the original hearing was too severe; and/or
- an appeal may be filed on the grounds that there is proof to establish that the decision of the original hearing was reached in an unjust manner.
10(8) Executive Members of the standing committee involved in the decision under appeal may present evidence at the appeal committee hearing, but shall not vote on the outcome of the appeal.
10(9) An appeal does not act as a stay of proceedings. All decisions made by the President or the chair of the appeal committee will remain in force pending the outcome of the appeal committee hearing; or a body of competent jurisdiction, as the case may be.
10(10) Suspensions or other disciplinary actions issued by the OMAHA or the BCAHA shall not be appealed to the Association; these societies have their own appeal procedure.
Part 11-Regulations/Harassment and Sexual Abuse Policies
11(1) The contents of the “Summerland Minor Hockey Association Policy Manual” shall be known as the regulations for the purposes of the constitution and these bylaws.
11(2) The regulations of the Association may be amended, deleted or created by a majority vote of the Executive Officers of the Association.
11(3) Any amendments to the Association regulations shall be posted at the Arena and the Association Web Site within fourteen (14) days following ratification by the Executive Officers. Failure to post the amended regulations within the fourteen (14) day period does not invalidate the amended regulations of the Association.
11(4) The 1998 Annual General Meeting adopts the BCAHA Harassment Policy (Appendix A) and Sexual Abuse Policy (Appendix B) and subsequent amendments in their entirety.
Part 12-Borrowing
12(1) In order to carry out the business of the Association the Executive Officers may, on behalf of and in the name of the Association, raise or secure the payment or repayment of money in the manner the Executive Officers decide, and, in particular but without limiting that power, by the issue of debentures.
12(2) A debenture must not be issued without the authorization of a special resolution at a General Meeting.
12(3) The members may, by special resolution, restrict the borrowing powers of the Executive Officers, but a restriction imposed expires at the next Annual General Meeting.
Part 13-Notice to Members
13(1) Notice to members pertaining to the business of the Association shall be by written notice posted at the arena and posted on the Association web site.
Part 14-Bylaws
14(1) On being admitted to the membership of the Association, each member is entitled to, and the Association must provide (upon request) to each member without charge, a copy of the constitution and bylaws of the Association.
14(2) These bylaws must not be altered or amended except by special resolution at a General Meeting of the Association.
[1] As per Extraordinary General Meeting on April 7, 2014
[2] As per Extraordinary General Meeting on April 7, 2014
[3] As per the Annual General Meeting on April 28, 2014