Policies & Guidelines of Summerland Minor Hockey Association
Last Modified: April 2021
This section includes information pertaining to:
*All dates provided in the following section are a framework that might fluctuate depending on situations face by SMHA, i.e. Covid-19 regulations. If deemed necessary or through unforeseen circumstances SMHA may explore extensions/modifications etc., however, the dates listed will only be modified to assist SMHA as a whole and will not be open for debate in cases of individual disputes, i.e. missed deadlines.
- All parents or guardians of registered minor hockey players or minor officials, coaches, team officials and executive members are members of SMHA. Non members must apply for membership and pay $1.00 membership fee upon acceptance by the Executive.
- Members are expected to demonstrate appropriate conduct at all times when associated with a SMHA team. Abuse of any type, directed towards players, coaches, team officials, officials, other parents or executive members will not be tolerated. Members will utilize the appropriate protocol when dealing with concerns or complaints.
- Members will actively support the Association and the efforts of its volunteers. All members should attend the Annual General Meeting. The definition of a voting member is described in the Bylaws.
- An Executive member of SMHA is an Executive member first, parent/spectator second. At all times, conduct around rinks and hockey functions shall be without compromise. Conduct shall be considered to be under scrutiny at all times and therefore above reproach. Any complaints that Executive members have about players, coaches, officials, parents or other Executive members shall be made through the proper channels.
- All Executive members shall advise the Association, in writing, of any business or holding they have that may be deemed a conflict of interest. This shall include supply of goods and services required by SMHA. No Executive member shall receive personal gain unless a fair bid process has been followed.
- The SMHA Executive requires a high standard of conduct from its coaching staff in dealing with other coaches, referees, and other officials and in the image projected to players and parents of the SMHA. The coaching staff is an integral part of the Association and is expected to support the decisions of the Executive and abide by SMHA policies and guidelines.
- Coach Code of Conduct:
- Those individuals accepting the position of coach do so knowing that they become the most important individual to the team. By leadership the coach establishes a model that players will use to mould a significant portion of their attitude toward the game. Therefore, any coaches or other team officials that circumvent the rules and regulations as established by hockey’s governing bodies must be dealt with severely.
- Abusive language by any team member is not tolerated. The adults must set the standards and the controls.
- Do not allow any abuse of officials or teams.
- Ensure that the game sheets are accurately completed.
- Ensure that all players are eligible to play the game (i.e. carded, not on suspensions).
- Ensure that all games and tournaments attended by the team are properly sanctioned.
- Know the procedure for registering complaints.
- Will not condone the illegal use of drugs or alcohol.
- Certification of Coaches:
- Candidates for U7/U9 and Recreational (House League) coaching positions must have the Coach 1 - Coach Level of certification.
- Rep team head coaches must have their Development 1 Coaching Level or higher.
- All other team coaches require at least a Coach 2 - Coach Level certificate.
- Coaches new to coaching have one year to achieve the appropriate level of certification. The exception is Rep Team coaches.
- Players, U15 age and older, are welcome to help coach if they have the appropriate mutual aid coverage and they wear helmets and gloves on the ice. Coaches are encouraged to recruit these older players as a way of fostering the development of coaches.
- SMHA will reimburse all coaching clinic fees under $100 to coaches. If the cost is over $100, ½ will be reimbursed in year one and the second ½ in year two, provided the coach is still active with SMHA. Coaches must provide evidence that all course requirements have been completed. Coaching clinics will be advertised in local media.
- Selection Committee:
- For U13 age and older teams, the Association Head Coach will select a Steering Committee made up of at least three additional members from the current Executive to assist in selection of coaches. Preferred members will be those that do not have children on the teams for which a coach is being selected.
- The Head Coach will assist the Junior Director in the selection of coaches for all U9/U7 and Recreational (House League) teams including U11 Development.
- Procedure:
- Rep Teams:
- The Head Coach will place an ad in local media requesting persons interested in coaching to submit application.
- Coaches to apply in writing for positions on form provided by Head Coach. Statement of coaching philosophy and two references are required.
- Head Coach meets with the President or a Steering Committee to make selections. Interviews may or may not be conducted.
- Only one team head coach will be selected for each team. No team co-head coaching arrangements will be allowed.
- The team head coach is responsible for selecting assistant coaches whose appointments must be ratified by the Steering Committee.
- Head Coach contacts all successful and unsuccessful candidates.
- Successful candidates must complete a criminal record check.
- Rep team coach selection, including for female teams, will be completed by June 30th.
- Rep Teams:
- U7/U9 and House Teams:
- U7/U9 and Recreational (House League) team coaches indicate willingness to coach on the registration form or by contacting the Junior Director or the Head Coach.
- The Head Coach or the Junior Director may or may not advertise in media.
- Head Coach or the Junior Director makes selections in consultation with the President.
- Successful and unsuccessful candidates are contacted.
- Criminal record searches are completed.
- Selections are completed by Sept. 15th.
- U7/U9 and House Teams:
- Criteria for Selection
- Preamble: SMHA endeavors to select persons that are the most appropriate, best qualified and most responsible for the position of team head coach. The following criteria will be used:
- Coaching level attained through formal clinics;
- Background and coaching experience;
- References;
- Reliability and Integrity; and
- Coaching philosophy compatible with Association philosophy.
- If two candidates are equal in the above criteria, the applicant who does not have a child playing on the team will be selected.
- Criteria for Selection
- The President in consultation with the Registrar and Treasurer will review all requests for Player Transfers. The President may consult any other party he /she deems appropriate under the circumstances.
- Requests for Player Transfers, regardless of the circumstances shall not be considered by the President of the Association under the following circumstances:
- Association member is deemed not to be a member of good standing as outlined in Bylaw Two -Membership;
- Failure to fulfill obligations to the Association as listed below:
- Failure to return Association property-jerseys, equipment, keys, etc.;
- Failure to provide income statements, team financial information, etc.; or
- Failure to provide any item or information deemed by the President to be in the best interests of the Association.
- Prior to exercising this clause the President shall obtain a majority vote of the Executive Officers of the Association.
That any request for Residential Waiver in conformance with Section 9.06 (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) of the BC Hockey Policy Manual will be granted by Summerland Minor Hockey Association. Any player transfer granted through Section 9.06 (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be approved for only one year and will not affect the membership of siblings. For reference, Section 9.06 (a) (i), (ii), and (iii) states the following:
A residential waiver may only be granted under one of the following circumstances:
ii. There is no recreational team or the player is on a wait-list within the player’s residential Minor Hockey Association.
iii. The player is female and there is no female team in the player’s residential Minor Hockey Association.
- Player Transfers on the basis of a Residential Waiver shall not be granted where there is reasonable doubt that the address provided on the application is not the Player’s principle residence.
- If reasonable doubt exists concerning the Player’s principle residence the following criteria shall be considered:
- Is the Principle Residence listed potentially used as a recreational property, rental property, speculation or other use
- The applicant must provide proof of Principle Residence through one of the following means:
- Address on a valid BC Drivers License;
- Address on a valid ICBC Vehicle Registration Policy;
- Confirmation of change of address through the Canada Post Corporation;
- Proof of sale or purchase of residence; or
- Other means deemed appropriate by the President of Association:
- Where does the Player attend school;
- Where are the parents or legal guardian employed;
- Where do the Player’s siblings reside;
- Where the Player requesting the transfer has siblings, the transfer may, but does not have to, include all siblings who are members of the Association or potential members of the Association - siblings may remain in SMHA;
- Transfer requests will not be considered for only one (1) sibling, unless proof of parental separation or divorce exists;
- Legal marital status of the parents or legal guardian of Player(s) must be provided;
- The requested transfer is contrary to OMAHA, BC Hockey or Hockey Canada rules and or regulations; or
- Any other rational deemed appropriate by the President of the Association under the circumstances.
- If reasonable doubt exists concerning the Player’s principle residence the following criteria shall be considered:
- All teams and participants have a responsibility to project a positive image of their team and the Association. At all times the public image, conduct and appearance of the SMHA membership must be above reproach.
- From time to time, parents and players will be expected to make direct contributions to meet team and Association expenses through fundraising efforts. The following guidelines are to be used:
- ALL team fundraising activities and dates MUST be approved by the Vice-President PRIOR to commencing the activity. We live in a small community that will only tolerate so many activities on a weekend!
- Teams requiring additional funds must outline a season budget and proposed fundraising activities.
- The budget must be approved by a majority of the team parents present at a parent meeting.
- The team head coach will ensure that a copy of the budget is given to the Vice-President.
- The budget can be amended as needs arise but still require a majority of parents to approve.
- Amendments must also be given to the Vice-President.
- Teams may select from one or both of the following options to gather additional funds:
- Direct financial contribution to the team by parents; and/or
- Engage in fundraising activities.
- All funds raised by fundraising are deemed to belong to the team.
- If a player leaves the team he/she forfeits all monies raised to date.
- At no time shall fundraising funds be returned to a player or a parent.
- At the end of the season, all leftover funds shall be returned to the SMHA Treasurer to be deposited into the Benevolent Fund (used to help players in financial difficulty).
- Teams may plan, budget and fundraise for the following purposes only (these items are for the benefit of the entire team and therefore it is appropriate to solicit for community donations):
- Tournament registration fees;
- Team hockey socks, one home and one away set;
- The cost of motel/hotel accommodation for coaching staff at an away game or tournament, if the coach is not also a parent on the team;
- Team will pay one room per entire staff at the motel/hotel the team is attending;
- The cost of travel for coaching staff at an away game or tournament, if the coach is not also a parent on the team;
- Maximum allowance is $0.40 per kilometer.
- The cost of a daily meal allowance of $38.00 per day for a maximum of five team officials, all of which must be non-parent volunteers, for out of town games only.
- Out of town games include tournaments, overnight trips, and daily out of town games. This allowance includes the following rules:
- The per meal breakdown is as follows:
- Breakfast - $10.00 per day;
- Lunch - $10.00 per day;
- Dinner - $18.00 per day; and
- Total: $38.00 per day.
- Should the out of town games include less than three meals, the $38.00 formula shall be amended (i.e. Lunch only for $10.00);
- Should, in the case of an overnight stay, the hotel of choice include a meal in price of stay (i.e. continental breakfast) the $38.00 formula will be amended to exclude breakfast
- The daily allowance shall now be $28.00 per coach; and
- Claiming these non-$38.00 meal days is up to the discretion of coaches/team officials.
- The daily allowance shall now be $28.00 per coach; and
- Additional Ice time (Approved by the Ice Manager in advance);
- Costs for season-end banquet; and/or
- Bus transportation to away tournaments.
- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can teams solicit for donations from community businesses for personal use items such as the following:
- Team jackets, track suits, hats, or other apparel (Exception is team socks);
- Any personal hockey equipment;
- Team meals other than season-end banquet;
- Coach Manager thank you gifts;
- Team or individual photographs;
- Team or individual travel expenses other than the aforementioned coach’s expenses and bus costs;
- Tickets to sporting events or other entertainment;
- Sweater name bars; and
- These items must be purchased by the players/families on an individual and personal option basis.
- Fundraising activities can include candy sales, car washes, bottle drives, hot dog sales, 50/50 draws etc. as long as they are in good taste, well supervised and controlled.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be used as prizes.
- Fundraising activities should be carried out, chiefly, within our Association boundaries.
- From time to time, parents and players will be expected to make direct contributions to meet team and Association expenses through fundraising efforts. (Dec. 13/16)
- SMHA is a non-profit organization under the British Columbia Societies Act and is staffed by volunteers. Although we pay our referees, NO member of the Association or participant may receive a personal benefit, cash or otherwise, without the written consent of the Executive.
- The best way to protect personal integrity is to always operate in an open and well-documented manner.
- All organizers, team managers and coaches associated in any way with minor hockey activities should follow uniform procedures for the control of all cash revenues and collections. It is therefore expected that:
- The team manager will be responsible for providing parents and the Vice-President with a Financial Season End report (sample forms available from the Treasurer);
- Interim financial reports may be requested by the Vice-President or the Treasurer at any time and are to be provided within seven days;
- Team bank accounts should be opened, in the name of the team (with the permission of the President or the Vice-President). These accounts will provide monthly statements and return cheques;
- All funds, statements and cancelled cheques as well as receipts, invoices and other financial records are to be kept safely and be made available upon request by the Vice-President or the Treasurer;
- The account must have two signing officers for all cheques, one of whom is the team manager. The other is to be a team parent;
- Either a receipt or an initialed team list should evidence all CASH transactions;
- Excess funds in the team account at season’s end must be turned over to the Treasurer to be deposited in the S.M.H.A. Benevolent Fund; and
- Under NO circumstances may excess funds be used in ways contrary to the fundraising policy.
- All players will be placed on teams by S.M.H.A. coaching staff.
- Players are placed on teams commensurate with each player’s age, playing skills and experience.
- Every effort will be made to ensure that this achieved as fairly as possible with no special consideration made for any player for any reason.
- Should a parent or player disagree with their placement they may request to the Head Coach Junior Director or Senior Director for an explanation of player placement.
- Age divisions are set by C.H.A. as follows: (Age is set at the player’s age as of midnight Dec. 31st.) (Age groups may be combined for female teams)
- U7 - age 4-6;
- U9 - age 5-9 (divided into 4 levels by age and skill);
- U11 - age 9 and 10;
- U13 - age 11 and 12;
- U15 - age 13 and 14;
- U18 - age 15 to 17; and
- U20 - age 18 and 19.
- Team Sizes:
- A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 goalies;
- A minimum of 10 skaters and a maximum of 17 skaters;
- Ideally, teams should have 2 goalies and 15 skaters (See Rep Team makeup for further details);
- Recreational teams, as recommended by BCAHA, could consist of 1 goalie and 10 skaters to allow for optimal player development;
- Players aged 4-10 play and develop their skills as part of the Novice Program;
- Players aged 10-17 have the option of participating in one of two types of hockey programs:
- COMPETITIVE LEVEL ‘A’ teams are Representative teams and will play in a league organized by Okanagan Mainline.
- These teams may also compete in B.C.A.H.A. Zone and Provincial Championships at the end of each season.
- U11 Development teams play in a league formed by SMHA in concert with other Associations.
- These are travel teams, require more of a time commitment, and players are required to ‘try-out’ for selection to these teams.
- RECREATIONAL LEVEL teams are for all players not electing to play on or not selected for competitive teams.
- These teams participate in a local ‘Super League’ that doesn’t require the same extent of travel as for a competitive team.
- At the discretion of the Executive, underage players can play on higher division teams.
- A SENIOR RECREATIONAL team is offered for those players aged 15-19 who prefers to play a more pick-up style of game.
- There are no practices or travel requirements.
- This team is offered if numbers warrant.
- COMPETITIVE LEVEL ‘A’ teams are Representative teams and will play in a league organized by Okanagan Mainline.
- The Competitive Level or Rep hockey program is designed for players who have the desire and the ability to play at a high level of competition and who are willing to invest a reasonable amount of time both on and off the ice. The objectives are:
- To achieve a degree of excellence according to a player’s interest and potential;
- To provide an opportunity for achievement in an enjoyable and self-fulfilling environment;
- To provide an opportunity to progress to a high level of competition (Programs for Excellence e.g.: B.C. Best Ever Program); and
- To stimulate development both from an individual, team and sport point of view.
- Team Makeup:
- Under the direction of a head coach, at least one assistant coach, a trainer and a manager, a Rep team will consist of:
- A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 goalies;
- A minimum of 10 skaters and a maximum of 17 skaters;
- Optimum sizes:
- U11: 15-16 players;
- U13: 15-16 players;
- U15: 16 players; and
- U18: 17 players.
- By July 15th, players will be surveyed for their level of interest in playing on a Competitive team - if players do not respond by this date, risk of not being able to try-out for divisional Rep or U11 Development teams is a possibility.
- By July 30th, if the minimum number of players indicating an interest in playing rep hockey is not achieved for a particular team, the players will be given permission from SMHA to attempt to tryout for a position in an adjacent association (U15 & older only). The remaining players will play at the Recreational level for the upcoming season.
- The decision not to declare a Rep team will be made by the Executive by August 15th.
- Any player indicating a desire to play recreational hockey, when surveyed in July, will not be eligible for release at a later date.
- Selection Process:
- Players are selected for a Rep team on the basis of his/her skills, coachability, attitude and work ethic;
- Players are selected by the team head coach, in concert with the guidelines set out by SMHA;
- Underage players may NOT tryout for Rep teams (except in the case of insufficient numbers of appropriately aged players);
- In exceptional circumstances, to allow an exceptional under-aged player to play up, the parents must submit a written request to the Association Head Coach. At this time, the Association Head Coach will determine if an evaluation committee may be formed to evaluate the player and consider the options. To be considered for the team at the higher level, the player should be deemed to be in the top third of all players on that team, with consideration given to player registration numbers at both age levels. (Aug. 2017)
- Unfortunately, through the process of selection, not everyone will be selected to the teams that they are trying out for. Undoubtedly, the team head coach will have some very tough decisions in the selection of players;
- Procedure:
- Each tryout should be limited to a maximum of 40 participants in order to avoid confusion and to allow proper evaluation;
- Payment of the tryout fee must be made with registration;
- Each player will be entitled to a minimum of 2 ice times, after which the first round of players can be released;
- Additional ice times and possibly game situations may be needed to make the final selections;
- Player assignments should be done with utmost dispatch;
- The Association will ensure that neutral evaluators are used at all levels. Goalies will be evaluated by a person with training and experience in the selection of goalies;
- The evaluators using numerical scales wherever possible will rank players;
- If any subjective criteria are being used, the coach will carefully define the criteria so as to guide the evaluators;
- The criteria should be approved by the Association and communicated to the players and the parents;
- The team head coach will make all final selection/release decisions;
- Sensitivity, respect and consideration to the self-image of the players should be foremost:
- Therefore any player being released is entitled to a private conference with the team coaching staff;
- During the conference the player should be informed of his/her strengths, his/her areas of development and the team he/she should report to; and
- Under NO circumstances should players be released over the phone/email;
- Players and parents should be made aware of the right to appeal the decisions;
- Target dates to finalize team rosters will be in accordance with OMAHA league commencement;
- By July 15th, the team head coach will outline to all parents/players, either in writing or at a parent meeting:
- The process that will be used;
- The selection criteria;
- The kind of team that the coach is attempting to assemble;
- His/her coaching philosophy regarding ice time, specialty units, skill development, off ice training etc.; and
- The additional financial, time and travel requirements that accompany this level of hockey;
- All players must tryout for teams. No player is guaranteed a position on a team even if he/she played on that team the previous year;
- Any player not able to attend or complete try outs will practice with the appropriate house team until such time as the Rep Team coach feels they are able to appropriately judge the player’s performance and make their decision; and
- All carding and rep fees must be paid in full prior to the player participating in their first league game.
- During the course of a season, for a variety of reasons, players may be asked or may request themselves to move to a different team. As well, players may need to be ‘picked up’ for a particular game due to team players being unable to play because of other commitments or injury. The following process is to be followed:
- All player movement during the season must be in accordance with BCAHA and OMAHA guidelines;
- PRIOR to any discussion with the player, the head coaches of the affected teams must discuss the proposal and agree. Under NO circumstances should the player be approached prior to discussion between the coaches;
- If no agreement can be reached between the coaches, the Head Coach may arbitrate the situation with appeal to the Executive;
- The coach of the player will first contact the parents, and subsequently the player, to facilitate the move;
- If the parents or the player are opposed to the move, they may appeal the decision to the Head Coach and finally to the Executive;
- In ‘pick-up’ situations, the player’s first responsibility is to his/her designated team; and
- No player may play or practice as a member of two different teams.
- In the case of AP situations, a player’s primary commitment is to their rostered team for practices and games (ex/league). When there is no conflict between AP/Regular team schedule, the player is free to play following coach to coach contact. In the case of emergency causing conflict between AP/ Reg teams, the following conditions must be met.
- Permission from SMHA Div. Director
- Rostered team must have minimum 12 skaters and one goalie
- Contact must be made between coach and coach, not AP coach to player/parent
- During game situations both at home and away, players are acting as ambassadors for SMHA and for the town of Summerland and it is expected that they will conduct themselves both on and off the ice in a manner which is consistent with such representation.
- It is expected that players will:
- Play by the rules of the game;
- Control their temper both on and off the ice;
- Respect their opponents;
- Do their best to be a ‘team player’;
- Remember that winning isn’t everything - that having fun, improving skills, making friends and performing to the best of his/her ability is important as well;
- Acknowledge all good plays/performances of team mates and opponents; and
- Remember that coaches and officials are there to help, accept their decisions and show respect at all times.
- Team Monitoring - It is the responsibility of the team to ensure that these guidelines are followed.
- Arena & Dressing Room
- Players should be supervised at all times.
- A lone personnel member should never be in the dressing room with players at any time, and especially when they are showering or changing.
- Two (2) adults should be present together; which is called the “Two Deep Method” of supervision.
- Should separate dressing rooms be required, both dressing rooms require the appropriate adult supervision.
- Please refer to the Co-ed Dressing Room Policy.
- Injury Treatment
- The safety person should avoid treating injuries out of sight of others and should use the “Two Deep Method” (two adults) supervision system.
- Female Teams
- It is recommended that when using the “Two-Deep Method” with female hockey teams, there shall be 2 female supervisors with the players where possible.
- If not possible there may be one (1) male and one (1) female supervisor, the male supervisor however, would not enter the dressing room but would be within hearing distance to protect supervisors or players.
- Please refer to the Co-ed Dressing Room Policy for dressing room dress codes on Co-ed teams.
- Road Trips
- Ideally, team personnel and players should not share accommodations, regardless of the potential cost savings or other benefits.
- If sharing a room is unavoidable, be sure that the “Two Deep Method” rule is observed at all times.
- Physical Contact
- Team personnel should avoid touching a player.
- Use the “Two Deep Method” (two personnel, or two players) supervision system.
- The comfort level and dignity of the player should always be the priority.
- Limit touching to “safe areas” such as hand to shoulder.
- Isolated Spaces
- Parents/guardians should never leave their child unsupervised in a facility, nor should they leave their child alone with a single personnel member (use the Two Deep Method supervision system).
- Sport and Training Facilities
- Participants who are minors should never be left waiting in a facility without the supervision of their parent/guardian or personnel member (use the Two Deep Method).
- Parents in Locker Rooms
- Except for players at the younger age groups [specific age groups may be included here], we discourage parents from entering locker rooms unless it is truly necessary.
- If a player needs assistance with his or her uniform or gear, if the player is or may be injured, or a player’s disability warrants assistance, then we ask that parents let the coach know beforehand that he or she will be helping the player.
- Naturally, with our youngest age groups it is necessary for parents to assist the players getting dressed.
- We encourage parents to teach their players as young as possible how to get dressed so that players will learn as early as possible how to get dressed independently.
- In circumstances where parents are permitted in the locker room, coaches are permitted to ask that the parents leave for a short time before the game and for a short time after the game so that the coaches may address the players.
- As players get older, the coach may in his or her discretion prohibit parents from a locker room.
- In general, parents should not enter the dressing room if the players undress to less than shorts and t shirts.
- Co-Ed Dressing Room Policy
- In all cases where members of a team include both male and female players, the following dress code will apply in the team dressing room:
- Male players will not undress to less than a minimum of shorts while females are present; and
- Female players will not undress to less than a minimum of shorts and a tee-shirt while males are present.
- When separate facilities exist for both male and female participants, males and females shall make use of these separate facilities in order to change to the point that they can adhere to the co-ed dress code noted above (Note: Once dressed in accordance with the minimum requirements above, all players may return to the team [co-ed] dressing room).
- When separate facilities do not exist for both male and female participants:
- Players shall dress, undress and shower in shifts while maintaining the minimum dress code noted above; and
- Players of the under-represented gender shall be granted access to the shower facilities after the balance of the team.
- Smart Phones and Other Mobile Recording Devices
- Smart phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms.
- If phones or other mobile devices must be used, they should be taken outside of the locker room.
- Smart phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms.
- Arena & Dressing Room
The roles of the SMHA Executive Discipline committee is outlined as follows:
- review any discipline issues at the request of the VP or President
- recommend disciplinary action up to and including definite or indefinite suspension of the offending player, coach, or association member to the SMHA President
- please ensure that the member discipline and complaint procedures below are followed:
- maintain minutes of any and all meetings called
- provide the decision of the committee in a sealed envelope to the President and the divisional director
- the President will hold the minutes, in confidence, for seven years
- the minutes may be used at subsequent hearings for the same individual
- ensure that the chain of command is followed (as stated below)
- Player 🡪 Team staff 🡪 Divisional Director 🡪 Vice President
- please ensure that the member discipline and complaint procedures below are followed:
The executive will establish, at the start of the season, a Discipline Committee comprised of the VP, Junior Director, Senior Director, Head Coach, and a minimum of 3 (maximum of 5) other association members
- members of this group being bound by conflict of interest protocol will be expected to step aside if warranted
All decisions of the Discipline Committee can be appealed through the SMHA Appeal Protocol outlined in the bylaws
All members of SMHA are required to follow numerous expectations ensuring that they are found in good standing with SMHA. Should a member be found to not be following conduct as outlined in the SMHA expectations of a member, the following steps must be followed in sequence. Documentation of conduct and consequences is expected.
Member Discipline and Complaint Process
Example of possible leveled discipline/complaints: (While representing SMHA, and could include, but not limited to…)
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
There is a leveled approach for all discipline complaints. All complaints must be in writing and have one individual name attached. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
Complaint is against…. | |||||
Player | Parent | Team Staff | |||
Level 1
Dealt with by team |
*please remember that at SMHA we adhere to the 24 hour rule. Please wait 24 hours until you approach another with a complaint
please remember that at SMHA we adhere to the 24 hour rule. Please wait 24 hours until you approach another with a complaint
Level 2
Mediated with supervision of Divisional Director Written complaint goes to Divisional Director |
Level 3
Dealt with by Discipline committee Written complaint goes to Vice President |
- Minor Hockey Tournaments offer an enjoyable opportunity for players at all levels to demonstrate their hockey skills in an environment that encourages fair play, and, above all, fun. SMHA encourages all teams to participate in and support tournaments at home, in other areas of the province, and in other provinces. The guidelines regarding tournaments are as follows and should be strictly adhered to:
- All tournament arrangements must be in accordance with all CHA, BCAHA, OMAHA and SMHA rules and regulations;
- Tournament entry fees are paid through team budgeting and fundraising;
- Team may enter ONLY officially sanctioned tournaments;
- Any teams travelling out of province or country must obtain travel permission from SMHA Executive and subsequently BCAHA (through SMHA President);
- If necessary, travel insurance and Extended Medical coverage must be obtained; and
- Teams may obtain an advance to cover tournament entry fees from the SMHA Treasurer;
- Repayment of tournament advances must be made 2 weeks prior to tournament start date;
- Failure to do so will result in the loss, for the season, of this privilege.
- Tournament Cancellation
- There is a 30 day cancellation deadline, prior to the start of a tournament, at which time the tournament fee will not be refunded.
- If the spot is subsequently filled, a $250 penalty will be charged and the remainder of the tournament fee will be reimbursed.
- Home Tournaments
- The SMHA Tournament Coordinator will meet with the team managers in September and provide them with a copy of the Association Tournament Handbook.
- The Tournament Coordinator will assist teams in the organization of their tournament.
- Hosting a home tournament provides the local team(s) with an opportunity to showcase their team and raise funds for other team purposes.
- 40% of all net revenue generated by the tournament stays with the host team (minimum of $200.00 guaranteed).
- If there are two teams hosting a tournament, there will be a 30-30-40% split of net revenue, with the teams receiving 30% and SMHA receiving 40%.
- Teams are obligated to organize their home tournament.
- The rotational schedule ensures a fair distribution of workload.
- Hosting tournaments is an important fundraiser for the Association and the Tournament Coordinator will assist team parents as much as possible.
- If for very unique circumstances, a team chooses not to host their assigned tournament, they must inform the Association, in writing, by October 30th.
- Teams not assigned a tournament will be surveyed for interest and then a replacement team will be chosen at random.
- Any team that has been assigned a tournament and subsequently rejects organizing it will forfeit their tournament grant.
- All players must complete a Medical Information Form with their registration forms. No player will be allowed on the ice without a completed form.
- Names of a female and male contact person regarding harassment issues will be included in the Registration package as well as a copy of the Player Code of Conduct.
- All teams must have a First-Aid Kit. These are obtained from and returned to the SMHA Risk Manager/Team First. Replacement items are obtained from the Risk Manager/Team First.
- All Rep teams must have a CHA certified Safety Person. All other teams are encouraged to do so as well. The team safety person/trainer is responsible for putting into place a system for ensuring that the team’s medical forms travel with the team to all away games.
- No player, parent, volunteer, coach is allowed on the ice or in the players’ box without proper Mutual Aid coverage.
- Parent/Child games are strictly prohibited.
- No player may drive in a vehicle driven by another player to a game. No player may drive themselves to a game beyond Summerland's borders, or further than 8 kms.
- Coaches must inspect ice conditions before any players go on the ice, ensure that all gates are secure and that all players are properly equipped.
- Any Mutual Aided player or personnel who sustain a hockey related injury are required to contact the SHMA Registrar as soon as possible. The SMHA Risk Manager/Team First should also be notified. A ‘Return to Play’ form must be signed by a physician and given to the team safety person/trainer before the player returns to the ice.
- All Mutual Aided adult personnel must undergo an annual criminal record check. The forms must be completed and returned to the Risk Manager/Team First concession mailbox by October 15th.
- All team sponsorships shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President. The following guidelines apply:
- All teams are to have only 1 sponsor;
- Teams will avoid team sponsors for other fundraising efforts. The sponsors have already made a significant donation;
- SMHA will provide all sponsors with a plaque containing team picture;
- Team managers should ensure that the sponsor’s name is used in any media reports;
- Managers are also encouraged to provide sponsors with a copy of the team’s game schedule; and
- Team managers will ensure that all player jerseys display the sponsor’s name bar on the top of the jersey.
- Registration Process:
- Registration with the Summerland Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) will not be complete until all Registration Documents are completed in full and submitted with the applicable payment(s) within the times frame(s) listed below for each player(s) registering with the SMHA. Payments include, but are not limited to:
- Registration Fees;
- Rep. Team Tryout Fees;
- Rep. Team Carding Fees;
- U11 Dev. Surcharge Fees;
- Player Transfer Fees;
- Uniform Deposit Fees; and/or
- Fund Raising Volunteer Deposit Fees.
- Registration space within the SMHA is limited; accordingly, all completed Registration Forms will be registered in the order they were received (first come-first served basis).
- Registration with the Summerland Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) will not be complete until all Registration Documents are completed in full and submitted with the applicable payment(s) within the times frame(s) listed below for each player(s) registering with the SMHA. Payments include, but are not limited to:
- Overage Players:
- The SMHA will consider completed Registration Forms for Overage Players wishing to play within a Recreational League (Super League).
- Overage Players will only be considered under the following circumstances:
- The Registration Process has been completed in full;
- They will not displace players of legal playing age;
- Subject to space being available; and
- Subject to Approval from the SMHA Executive and Super League.
- Fee Structure
- Registration Fees
- U7 - $400.00;
- U9 - $400.00;
- U11 - $400.00;
- U13 - $460.00;
- U15 - $460.00; and
- U18 - $460.00.
- Rep. Team Tryout Fee - $50.00.
- Rep. Team Carding Fee - $100.00.
- Atom Dev. Surcharge Fee - $50.00.
- Player Transfer Fees - $40.00.
- Registration Fees
- Raffle Fundraiser
- At the time of registration, each player will be required to purchase a book of twenty $5 raffle tickets for $100 for resale. (Apr. 2016)
- If the family has 3 or more players registering in SMHA , the third player and any additional players are only required to purchase half a booklet.
- The cheque for purchase of the raffle ticket packages shall be required as part of the player's registration requirements and shall be post-dated to October 1.
- The player will earn back the purchase value of the raffle tickets they sell. If they do not sell all or any of their tickets, those tickets will be seen as being purchased by the player's family and entered into the draw.
- Additional tickets can be purchased from the SMHA Fundraising Coordinator.
- The Fundraising Coordinator will keep track of the ticket numbers distributed to each team and any additional tickets sold.
- The team manager will distribute ticket packages to the families of their team.
- All ticket stubs must be returned to the team manager by December 1.
- It is the responsibility of the team manager to keep track of who has and hasn't turned in their raffle ticket stubs and to ensure all ticket stubs have been collected by December 1 and given to the SMHA Fundraising Coordinator by December 2 for entry into the raffle draw.
- Any tickets not returned to the team manager, and therefore, not turned into SMHA Fundraising Coordinator will not be entered into the raffle draw.
- Registration Time Frame(s) and Discounts
- Early Registration
- The Annual Date for Early Registration is July 1.
- The Registration Process must be completed in full (completed Registration Form and Payment) as outlined above.
- Incomplete Registration Applications will not be considered by the SMHA.
- Early Registration entitles eligible SMHA Members to a $75.00 discount.
- Cheques may be post dated for no later than August 1st.
- Regular Registration
- The Annual Date for Regular Registration is the first Tuesday in September following the Labour Day Long Weekend.
- The Registration Process must be completed in full (completed Registration Form and Payment) as outlined above.
- Incomplete Registration Applications will not be considered by the SMHA.
- Annual General Meeting (AGM) Attendance
- SMHA Members who attend the AGM and sign the SMHA Attendance Sheet will be entitled to an additional discount.
- This discount is limited to $25.00 per player, per parent or legal guardian attending the AGM to a maximum discount of $50.00 per family.
- This discount does not apply to those players at the Squirt level as the Registration Fees for this age group have already been discounted.
- Other Fees
- Rep. Team Tryout Fee Due on or before 1st of September.
- Rep. Team Carding Fee Due at time of Carding.
- U11 Dev. Surcharge Fee Due at time of Player Selection.
- Player Transfer Fees Due upon date of Transfer from the SMHA.
- Uniform Deposit Fee Replaced by the Team Volunteer/ Equipment deposit of $300 (July 2017)
- Fund Raising Volunteer Deposit Replaced by Reffle Fundraiser ; cheque post-dated to Oct. 1 (Apr. 2016)
- Financial Assistance
- Those SMHA Members requiring Financial Aid must provide proof of Application for Financial Assistance from other funding sources and/or organizations to the Registrar prior to July 1st deadline.
- A completed Registration Form and Payment in the amount of $100.00 must accompany proof of application for Financial Assistance.
- Insufficient proof of application for Financial Assistance and/or incomplete Registration Document(s) will not be considered by the SMHA.
- Financial Assistance will be subject to the following criteria:
- Player(s) will be limited to the Recreational League (Super League/House);
- Players requesting Financial Aid must provide proof of application for Financial Assistance from other funding sources and/or organizations prior to July 1st deadline:
- Kidsport;
- Canadian Tire;
- Royal Canadian Legion “Any Child in Need”; or
- Local Service Clubs, include but are not limited to:
- Rotary;
- Kiwanis;
- Kinsmen
- Lions.
- Applications for Financial Assistance will be reviewed by the Financial Steering Committee and approved on the basis of financial need and available funding by no later than August 15th.
- The Financial Steering Committee will be appointed by the SMHA President and will include no fewer than three SMHA Executive Members.
- The Financial Steering Committee may request any applicable information deemed necessary to render a fully informed decision.
- Registration Procedure Policy
- This Registration Procedure Policy replaces all previous Policies and was passed by the SMHA Executive May 20, 2008.
- The following policies are in effect:
- SMHA Registrar will place ads in the media and in the Recreation Newsletter announcing registration dates;
- There is a $15.00 NSF charge and all NSF checks must be re-paid in one week or the player cannot play;
- All fees, in arrears, must be paid in full by December 1st or the player will not be allowed on the ice until full payment is made;
- The cut-off date for refunds is Dec. 15th, refunds will be pro-rated depending on the amount of time played;
- NO refunds are given as a result of player suspensions;
- Players released to try out with another Association must pay a $6.00 fee for paperwork;
- Young referees will pay to attend a ref clinic. This fee will be fully refunded after they have officiated at 8 games. The fee can be waived at the discretion of the Referee in Chief; and
- Referees who don’t play hockey will have their Mutual Aid fees paid by SMHA.
- The following policies are in effect:
- This Registration Procedure Policy replaces all previous Policies and was passed by the SMHA Executive May 20, 2008.
- All teams will be supplied with at least one set of goalie equipment up to and including the U13 level. Teams will be issued goalie sticks if necessary.
- All goalie equipment loaned for the season must be returned to SMHA Equipment Manager by April 15th.
- The SMHA Referee in Chief has the authority to purchase referee jerseys as needed.
- No Association equipment is to be loaned out for Summer Hockey leagues. Loans to players attending Hockey Schools are acceptable.
- Team jerseys are to be stored in assigned lockers. Managers are responsible for ensuring that jerseys are laundered regularly.
- If all the equipment is returned in reasonable condition, from normal use, the $300 Team Volunteer/Equipment deposit will be refunded to the team after inspection by the Equipment Manager (July 2017)
- No team jerseys are to go home with players except to sew on name and sponsor bars.
- Managers are to ensure that sponsor bars are displayed on the top of all players’ jerseys. Personal name bars are optional.
- The SMHA Equipment Manager will facilitate the ordering of sponsor bars.
- SMHA Junior and Senior Directors have the responsibility for ensuring that all teams receive media coverage over the course of the season.
- The Junior and Senior Directors work with the team managers to develop a system of regular media coverage.
- Both the local radio station and the ‘Summerland Review’ will publish information regarding teams.
- The following protocols have been agreed to:
- Deadline to the Review is noon on Monday;
- The format to be used is available from the Junior and Senior Directors or at the Concession;
- Forms are to be turned into the concession by Sunday PM;
- Managers are asked to notify the Review directly if a special event is being held; and
- The team sponsor’s name is to be included in all media releases.