Summerland Minor Hockey Association Lifetime Member Nomination


Summerland Minor Hockey Lifetime Member Nomination Process

Please see the following criteria and nomination form pertaining to the SMHA Lifetime Member Nomination Process

SMHA Lifetime Member Nomination Criteria

As part of the nomination process for Lifetime Member, a person must be nominated via the provided nomination form.

Nominations will only be accepted when presented via nomination form.

They must be submitted no later than March 31st. Completed nomination forms must be submitted to the SMHA President via online process (found here).

Nomination forms will be made available online/by request prior to the SMHA Annual General Meeting. Once submitted, these forms are to be placed in a secure location and are not available for public consumption.

Once the nomination form is completed, a committee (SMHA Lifetime Member Selection Committee) composed of, but not necessarily mandatorily – in case of unavailability – the following persons* will review the nomination forms:
• Current SMHA Executive Members (3 minimum)
• Current Life Time Members of SMHA (3 maximum)
o Any current SMHA Executive who are Lifetime Members can cover both roles noted
• Former SMHA Executive Members, who were always, or are currently “in good standing” (3 maximum)

*Anyone found to be in some form of personal conflict of interest will not be permitted to be part of committee, this can be done on a case by case basis.

All Lifetime Member committee discussions will be held “in camera”; names of nominated individuals will only made pubic if the person is successful in achieving Lifetime Member status.

Decisions are final, not open for re-assessment, and are not open to non-committee scrutiny.

If a person is not awarded Lifetime status, their name may not be resubmitted sooner than two (2) years since their previous nomination.

Successful candidates will be presented by the SMHA Lifetime Membership Committee to those present during the current year’s AGM; these candidates will then be subject to SMHA Bylaws pertaining to Life Members, specifically Part 2 – Membership, subsection 2(7) which states that:

“Life Membership is the highest honour that can be bestowed by the Association and is awarded for distinctive service to the Association. Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by a 75% majority of the members voting thereon.”

Summerland Minor Hockey Lifetime Member Nomination Form

Disclaimer: Once this nomination form is complete and submitted to the SMHA Lifetime Member Selection Committee, it becomes the property of SMHA. If the submitter wishes to have the nomination retracted, this can be done so upon request.