To apply for a SMHA tournament, please fill out the SMHA Tournament Application Form
An Official HCR Roster must be included with your tournament application. Only the Tournament Coordinator can accept and confirm your tournament application. Confirmations from any of our coaching staff or team managers may not be considered accurate or official.Your tournament application can not be accepted until it has been received at our office along with full payment and has been approved by Tournament Coordinator, Andrea Marsh. TEAMS WILL ONLY BE ENTERED INTO TOURNAMENT OF CHOICE ONCE THEIR TOURNAMENT FEE HAS BEEN CASHED.
For teams applying from outside of Canada, please add $75 to your tournament fee. Neck guards are mandatory. Fair Play Codes must be filled out and submitted with payment.
There is a 30 day cancellation deadline prior to the start of a tournament at which time the tournament fee will not be refunded. If the spot is subsequently filled, a $250 penalty will be charged and the remainder of the tournament fee will be reimbursed.
Please contact our SMHA Tournament Coordinator Andrea Marsh for any questions.