In light of the social distancing protocols currently in place, SMHA is offering a Virtual Equipment Swap this season.
Starting Thursday September 3rd, if you have any items that you would like to sell, please provide the following information:
Along with contact information, we ask that the seller provides a brief description of item being sold including:
-price -name brand -quality -JR or SR classification -size (if applicable) -Jpeg photo
SMHA is only responsible for posting the ads of interested sellers on our association web page, we are not responsible for:
-setting prices of items being sold -handling items being sold -handling funds being exchanged by parties selling and buying
SMHA is only interested in providing an area for the buying and selling of good quality, game ready equipment.
SMHA, as a non profit organization, does not stand to make any proceeds from the provision of this service.
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to post an item, please contact Andrew Hill @
If your item sells, please let us know so that it can be removed from the web page. The virtual equipment swap will end Friday September 18th.